The Guardian | 6-Mar-2025
Fossil-fuel and mining firms have won $92bn of public money from states, with a growing number of cases backed by financial speculators
PR Newswire | 6-Mar-2025
The arbitration arises from Venezuela’s measures that deprived GR Mining of its rights to, and materially damaged its investment in, the multi-billion-dollar Siembra Minera mining project located in Venezuela.
CIAR Global | 5-Mar-2025
El tribunal ha concluido que los recursos locales que Honduras alegaba que deberían haber interpuesto las demandantes habrían sido inútiles.
El Espectador | 5-Mar-2025
Este miércoles, el abogado Carlos Chajtur detalló que se presentó una demanda contra el Estado de Honduras por un monto de 300 millones de dólares ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias Relativas a Inversiones (CIADI).
Public Citizen | 5-Mar-2025
Investor-State Dispute Settlement has become a significant concern for African nations, as it often privileges multinational corporations at the expense of local governance and public welfare.
The Manila Times | 5-Mar-2025
Montero confirms that US$7,000,000 in cash have been received by the Company from Tanzania, which is expected to put an end to the dispute in connection with Tanzania’s expropriation of Montero’s Wigu Hill rare earth element project.
The Guardian | 5-Mar-2025
The island is being sued by a mining company over its decision, and faces paying nine times its annual budget in damages if it loses. | 4-Mar-2025
Kazakhstan has overturned a $54.5 million arbitral award previously granted to World Wide Minerals Ltd., a Canadian junior miner, in relation to a terminated uranium processing project.
CCPA | 27-Feb-2025
Amidst all the chaos brought on by Trump’s tariff threats, Canada’s federal trade minister celebrated a minor win this month: the finalization of a trade agreement with Ecuador.
América Latina Mejor sin TLC | 25-Feb-2025
A través de un breve video documental, realizado por el Transnational Institute (TNI), Terra Justa, Honduras Solidarity Network y el Institute for Policy Studies, se revela cómo los mecanismos de arbitraje internacional están siendo utilizados para chantajear al país y bloquear políticas en favor de su pueblo.